Thursday, April 30, 2015

Excited for ShawneeCraft!

ShawneeCraft Brewing
Art on a Carte 
A Traveling Studio Where Art, Food and Friendships Gather


‘An Evening With Pablo Picasso’

Pablo Picasso
'Three Musicians'
Oil on canvas

Join us for Chef Rodney‘s delicious culinary creations, ShawneeCraft beverages, and an evening of creative fun!

Thursday, June 4th
6:00 - 9:00

Join us as we learn about Pablo Picasso and the Cubists! 
You will create your very own painted rendition of 
Pablo Picasso’s ‘Three Musicians’(1920)

All Food, all supplies, your first beverage and canvas included 

Reserve your space now! Seating is limited! 

*Absolutely no experience necessary!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Here are some great photos from last Wednesday's event at Sarah Street Grill!

A lot of these artists were beginners and did an absolutely incredible job!

I was pretty psyched to see this hanging in the hall!

Our Evening's Studio Space

Our studio from another angle

Info Table

The Evening's Menu

Supply Table

Drawing and Creating the Base Painting:

Adding Detail and Final Coats of Paint: 

After just a few short hours, look what these "beginners" created!


A few people escaped before we could get a group shot, but here is the majority of Wednesday's awesome class!

Thank you once again to Christy and Sarah Street for hosting me and creating such a wonderful menu; 
to everyone who came out on a chilly work night to try out a new skill, work hard and overcome the challenges of a new craft;
and to my mom who helped me all day hauling, setting up, organizing, managing, and cleaning up the event; 
I couldn't have done it without your help!

I can't wait to see all of you at our next event on Thursday June 4th at ShawneeCraft Brewery!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Great Event!

We had another fun and successful event at Sarah Street Grill this past Wednesday!

This was my largest class so far, the event sold out, and we even had a waiting list! 

I am so honored and excited that we had such a great turn out, and that people drove from hours away to come get creative with us!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming, and I hope you all had a great time.

You all did an amazing job!

Stay tuned for images and thank you again to all of my wonderful artists!