Monday, June 22, 2015

Completed Works!

I'm so proud that these guys completed such a large and complex painting! 
It took many hours of dedication and hard work, and they should all be very proud of their accomplishments. 
All of these people had never or hadn't painted in years; 
This is a great testament that anyone can learn to be an artist!

Great job friends!  

Please note that if you did not finish your painting at any event, I welcome you to join us at future events to complete your canvas! 
Just email me at,
 and I will bring you an easel and your supplemental information if you have misplaced yours.  
You will be responsible for the food/drink portion of the cost, but the painting portion and instruction will be on me!

Thank you again for all of your support,
 and cheers to art!
xo, k

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